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bill Admin Group

註冊(Joined): 25-January-2003 所在地國家(Location): Taiwan 文章數(Posts): 14312
發表於: 28-October-2015 at 5:53pm | IP Logged
Sunjl wrote:
這問題困擾我好幾年了,在重組蝦場的寄居螺(土佐?)或一種純白色光滑的小嶸螺,口蓋有高低層分離的現象,加上不小心遺失,於是組起來有的像嶸螺有硬塊,有的像鐘螺薄片 |
我在蝦廠也曾遇過這種情況, 有一種玉螺, 圖鑑明明是「鈣質」口蓋, 為什麼會變成角質口蓋, 百思不得其解, 現在也懂了
__________________ 站長 ...澎湖~真是貝類的天堂
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蝸123 進階會員

註冊(Joined): 29-January-2013 所在地國家(Location): Taiwan 文章數(Posts): 403
發表於: 26-December-2015 at 10:44pm | IP Logged
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SWEETDR945 高級會員

註冊(Joined): 07-December-2005 所在地國家(Location): Taiwan 文章數(Posts): 2393
發表於: 18-September-2017 at 1:20pm | IP Logged
日本紀錄,有一隻. 菲國記錄也有一隻.
前一陣子,完成了它的考證. 想寫出來.
__________________ 棘鱗婆娑小世界,色雕一體大自然.
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SWEETDR945 高級會員

註冊(Joined): 07-December-2005 所在地國家(Location): Taiwan 文章數(Posts): 2393
發表於: 18-September-2017 at 1:22pm | IP Logged
Basilissa bicarinata Habe, 1961 Colored illustrations of the shells of Japan <II>, page 9, plate 5, fig. 6, appendix 2–3; holotype NSMT–Mo 37260, shell height 12.5 mm x diameter 16.8 mm, off Tosa-Shimizu (Kochi prefecture, southwestern Shikoku), 150 to 200 m depth; ex coll. Kurohara, coll. National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo. [Japan]
Basilissa bicarinata Habe, 1961 Habe, 1964. Shell of the western Pacific in color, vol. II, page 13, plate 5, fig. 6. [Japan]
Basilissa bicarinata Habe, 1961 Habe, 1977. Catalogue of molluscan taxa described by Tadashige Habe during 1939–1975, with illustrations of hitherto unfigured species, page 27.
Basilissa bicarinata Habe, 1961 Okutani, 2000. Marine Mollusks in Japan, page 87, plate 43, fig. 4. [shell height 12.5 mm x diameter 16.8 mm]
Basilissa bicarinata Habe, 1961 Higo, Callomon & Goto, 1999. Catalogue and bibliography of the marine shell-bearing Mollusca of Japan, page 70.
Calliotropis bicarinata (Habe, 1961)原始發表於陀螺科的Basilissa屬.
這個學名,被Calliotropis bicarinata (Schepman, 1908) [校正前原始學名Solariella bicarinata Schepman, 1908]所佔用.
所以Calliotropis bicarinata (Habe, 1961)是異物同名, homonym. 無效.
__________________ 棘鱗婆娑小世界,色雕一體大自然.
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SWEETDR945 高級會員

註冊(Joined): 07-December-2005 所在地國家(Location): Taiwan 文章數(Posts): 2393
發表於: 18-September-2017 at 1:24pm | IP Logged
Calliotropis boucheti Poppe, Tagaro & Dekker, 2006 The Seguenziidae, Chilodontidae, Trochidae, Calliostomatidae and Solariellidae of the Philippine Islands. Visaya Supplement 2, page 57-58, plate 22, fig. 3. Holotype: MNHN-IM-2000-5313, shell height 11.1 mm x diameter 15 mm; type locality, off shore of the east coast of Mindoro, the Philippines, 682–770 m depth; MUSORSTOM 2 expendition. [Philippines]
Calliotropis boucheti Poppe, Tagaro & Dekker, 2006 Vilvens 2007. New records and new species of Calliotropis from Indo-Pacific. Novapex 8 (Hors Série 5): 1–72. page 5, 30 & 70, figs. 208–209. MNHN-IM-2012-3145, shell height 9.2 mm x diameter 13.2 mm TAIWAN 2000 expendition, South China Sea, 554 m depth.
Calliotropis boucheti Poppe, Tagaro & Dekker, 2006 Poppe & Tagaro, 2008. Philippine Marine Mollusks, volume 1, page 166, plate 28, fig. 8.
Calliotropis boucheti Poppe, Tagaro & Dekker, 2006後發表,所以是Calliotropis bicarinata (Habe, 1961)的同物異名,synonym.
因為Calliotropis bicarinata (Habe, 1961)的無效,成為適用名稱available name.
__________________ 棘鱗婆娑小世界,色雕一體大自然.
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SWEETDR945 高級會員

註冊(Joined): 07-December-2005 所在地國家(Location): Taiwan 文章數(Posts): 2393
發表於: 18-September-2017 at 1:25pm | IP Logged
__________________ 棘鱗婆娑小世界,色雕一體大自然.
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bill Admin Group

註冊(Joined): 25-January-2003 所在地國家(Location): Taiwan 文章數(Posts): 14312
發表於: 18-September-2017 at 6:49pm | IP Logged
看到 Calliotropis 屬, 就想到這隻
__________________ 站長 ...澎湖~真是貝類的天堂
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SWEETDR945 高級會員

註冊(Joined): 07-December-2005 所在地國家(Location): Taiwan 文章數(Posts): 2393
發表於: 19-September-2017 at 9:52am | IP Logged
Rumphii兄的殼,估計殼寬6.5 mm.
鑑定是Calliotropis hysterea Vilvens, C., 2007
(左側殼是holotype, 5.8 mm)

__________________ 棘鱗婆娑小世界,色雕一體大自然.
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rumphii 高級會員

註冊(Joined): 06-July-2003 所在地國家(Location): Taiwan 文章數(Posts): 2454
發表於: 22-September-2017 at 12:16am | IP Logged
SWEETDR945 wrote:
Basilissa bicarinata Habe, 1961 Colored illustrations of the shells of Japan <II>, page 9, plate 5, fig. 6, appendix 2–3; holotype NSMT–Mo 37260, shell height 12.5 mm x diameter 16.8 mm, off Tosa-Shimizu (Kochi prefecture, southwestern Shikoku), 150 to 200 m depth; ex coll. Kurohara, coll. National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo. [Japan]
Basilissa bicarinata Habe, 1961 Habe, 1964. Shell of the western Pacific in color, vol. II, page 13, plate 5, fig. 6. [Japan]
Basilissa bicarinata Habe, 1961 Habe, 1977. Catalogue of molluscan taxa described by Tadashige Habe during 1939–1975, with illustrations of hitherto unfigured species, page 27.
Basilissa bicarinata Habe, 1961 Okutani, 2000. Marine Mollusks in Japan, page 87, plate 43, fig. 4. [shell height 12.5 mm x diameter 16.8 mm]
Basilissa bicarinata Habe, 1961 Higo, Callomon & Goto, 1999. Catalogue and bibliography of the marine shell-bearing Mollusca of Japan, page 70.
Calliotropis bicarinata (Habe, 1961)原始發表於陀螺科的Basilissa屬.
這個學名,被Calliotropis bicarinata (Schepman, 1908) [校正前原始學名Solariella bicarinata Schepman, 1908]所佔用.
所以Calliotropis bicarinata (Habe, 1961)是異物同名, homonym. 無效.
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rumphii 高級會員

註冊(Joined): 06-July-2003 所在地國家(Location): Taiwan 文章數(Posts): 2454
發表於: 22-September-2017 at 12:18am | IP Logged
SWEETDR945 wrote:
Rumphii兄的殼,估計殼寬6.5 mm.
鑑定是Calliotropis hysterea Vilvens, C., 2007
(左側殼是holotype, 5.8 mm)
Edited by rumphii on 22-September-2017 at 12:22am
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